Finish Strong
From the February 13th reading
If the Christian life is like running a race, where is the track?
Acts 20:24
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.
- Paul considered his own life worth nothing
- He was headed for Jerusalem – to certain prison or death
- His only desire was to finish the race well
- He wanted to complete the task of sharing the gospel
- We should consider our lives worth nothing
- This life is nothing compared to our next life
- Our desire should be to finish the race that has been laid out for us (Heb. 12:1-2)
- It should be our desire to share the gospel
- There is not a higher calling!
Six Special Olympic athletes lined up in a stadium filled with 50,000 people. These kids had prepared all year for this event. They wanted to win. Although they could not run well, they would give it their very best effort. The gun went off and all six began to run. At about the 50-meter mark, one of the six runners fell down, face first on the track. The other five runners took a couple more steps and then stopped. They looked back and saw the fallen runner. Then, to the surprise of the crowd, they all went back, helped the fallen runner to his feet, joined hands, and continued the race – all of them crossing the finish line at the same moment. Each one received a gold medal!
(Taken from Youth Specialties’ Hot Illustrations)
It’s not really important how we start the race, but how we finish the race that counts. Each of us came to the cross of Christ with nothing to offer. Most of us started out of the blocks stumbling and tripping over our own feet. We find ourselves going around the track of life, easily distracted by the other runners or the people in the stands. Many times we even step off of the track and stray off course, sometimes wandering for months or even years before we find our way back.
When it came to Paul, He ran his race hard from the very beginning, and he finished his race well. Warren Wiersbe in his commentary says this, “He also saw himself as a runner who wanted to finish his course in joyful victory (Phil. 3:12–14; 2 Tim. 4:8). The three phrases “my life, my course, the ministry” are the key. Paul realized that his life was God’s gift to him, and that God had a special plan for his life that would be fulfilled in his ministry. Paul was devoted to a great Person (“serving the Lord”) and motivated by a great purpose, the building of the church.”
Paul knew his purpose in life and he was driven by it. Each of us has a purpose as well. We can find this purpose in Hebrews 12:1 where it says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (NIV). Each of us have a unique race that has been chalked out for us. My race is different from yours, and yours is not the same as mine. But know this – you do have a race to run!
How do we run this race? By fixing our eyes on Jesus (Heb. 12:2). When a runner is running she doesn’t look all around to see who is watching, but she keeps her eyes on the finish line. At our finish line is Jesus, and He is standing there cheering us on every step of the way!
So how will you run the race that has been laid out before you? Remember that it is a marathon and not a 100 yard dash! Pace yourself, keep your eyes constantly on Him, and finish strong!
Ask Him to help you to finish the race well, and to give you a passion for reaching the lost. This is what Paul desired, and we should want nothing less.
If you would like help with how to run your race or you would like to get started, please contact us at (928)636-2949 or email me at
Wise words!
Alwaus trying to win the race well, but those hurdles that get in the way are killer.
Studying Hebrews 11 the Hall of Faith and God Himself commended the the men and women for their faith which we read about still. They inspire me to run my race in a way that pleases my Father in heaven. Keeping my eyes on Jesus the light of the world lights my path.
The race has lead up and down may different paths and trials, with nothing at time but by His grace I have always come thru to the other side, thus His sacrifice and forgiveness, I will see you at the finish line my friend.
Thank you brother, I loved this.