Protecting Your Roots
From the January 10 reading
The story of Martha running around busily preparing for guests while Mary lazily sits at Jesus’ feet is a familiar one. I hope that this week’s motivation encourages you in you to take some time out!
Luke 10:40 (NIV)
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
- The Lord was sitting with Mary and taking time with her
- Martha was “distracted” by her to-do list
- Martha complained to Jesus – “Don’t you care?”
- It is always better to sit at Jesus feet
- Don’t be distracted by things that need to be done
- God will honor the time set aside to spend with Him
- The Lord wants to sit with us!
- “Mary chose what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.
About twenty years ago we took a trip to Yosemite. It was the most beautiful place that I had ever seen. But on our way there we first stopped at the Sequoia National Park and saw the biggest trees on earth! Looking back at the pictures of us standing next to these behemoths it amazes me how big they truly were. They are so enormous that one was carved out so that you could even drive a standard sized car through the middle of it. You have probably seen pictures of them.
A few years ago I stopped by there on my way to a Christian camp. I was surprised to find fences surrounding each of the trees. I discovered later the reason why. Wayne Cordeiro shares in his book, The Divine Mentor, a story about one of those trees that was over 300 years old, and over 240 feet tall. This majestic creation was beautiful to behold and marveled many visitors during their visits to Yosemite. And then one day it mysteriously fell to the earth in a thunderous crash. Cordeiro shares, “As park rangers and forestry experts examined the downed behemoth, they came to a startling conclusion. Foot traffic!” Over the years park guests had walked on the root system of these ancient trees and unbeknownst them were killing them. If you visit there today you will discover fences surrounding these trees in order to protect their sensitive roots.
Wayne goes on to say, “What’s true of the Sequoias is also true of you and me. We have delicate root systems—more fragile than we would ever imagine—unless we find a way to protect and nourish those roots, we too will fall.”
What kind of foot traffic do you deal with every day? Foot traffic wears on us. We can’t escape it. It is a normal part of life. People demand our attention. Deadlines have to be met. There are doctor appointments, and prescriptions to be filled. The kids have recital, soccer practice, and homework that needs to be done. Life is full of foot traffic. But the author goes on to say, “What we need to do is protect the most important part of us…that deep down, soulish part of life that links with our Creator.”
In Luke 10 where we see the story of Martha and Mary, Jesus tells us the story of protecting life’s root systems. Luke describes Martha as being distracted. She is darting everywhere attempting to be a good host. But after hearing Martha’s complaints Jesus declares “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” There are good things in life that need to be done. There is the demand of the urgent. But as Jesus points out there is also the “better” things.
According to Lance Witt in his book, Replenish, “in our culture we have swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie that busyness equals importance.” I have not been exempt. One of the things that we truly need more than ever before is a time of solitude – a time spent alone with God! He goes on to say, “Too much noise and too much activity can be toxic to our soul.”
Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God.” One commentary says it this way, “Before we can represent Christ as we should, or imitate Him in our caring ministry, we must spend time with Him and learn from Him. We must ‘take time to be holy’”. All through the gospels we can see Christ desperately trying to get away either with His disciples or to be alone with His Father. Jesus recognized the need for time alone in solitude with His Father. Lance sums it up best by stating, “Through solitude there will be room in your soul for you to meet God and for Him to do the work in you that He longs to do.”
Who is going to protect your roots? Who is responsible for feeding your soul and making sure that your heart is filled and ready to face the day? The first answer is you! So, how are you going to protect your roots this year, and ensure that you are daily spending time at His feet?
Take a moment and ask God to give you the desire and the discipline to spend time at His feet each day – regularly.
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